The Importance of Following Instructions

>> Saturday, March 12, 2011

This evening, I received an email from my family and comrades of the African Women's Charity Organization entitled, "The Importance of Following Instructions."

Growing up, I was hard headed. I didn't want to listen, pay attention, or follow instructions. Especially when it was from those I did not trust or respect. (However, being able and willing to follow instructions, for a variety of purposes, is a different matter.)

At any rate, at the end of the message were the following "Rules of Discipline" from Baba Kwame Nkrumah's Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare. LISTEN UP!


Don't lose hope

>> Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hope cannot be lost, only misplaced.
Misplaced as anger
Misplaced as frustration
Misplaced as inevitable failure

But inside the depths
of all things
and all people

there is hope.

Hope exists.

Dedicated to the Esperanzas.

About This Blog

Insight into my daily regimen. Obviously of a different specimen. Me, myself & I. So fly. Welcome to the Daily Regiment.

This blog is an outlet for me to write about my life experiences. While there will be consistent themes in my writing -- because I am what I project in written form -- the topics will vary from day to day, and post to post.

If you are interested in my formal news reporting, you can visit The Reginald James Report or The Black Hour.

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